Earth’s orbital environment is a valuable resource.
It must be protected for the future of all humankind.
We are establishing the world’s fastest satellite collision avoidance capability.
Step 1: Tracking and Prediction Coordination
The chances of a predictable collision between two uncontrolled orbiting objects increases every day.
Though orbits are becoming more congested, tracking and prediction capabilities are consistently improving.
Fostering cooperative situational awareness community and capabilities enables predictive modeling like never before.Through close coordination with global radar networks, we employ the world’s most advanced collision predictions.
Step 2: Verification, Planning, Approval, Coordination, Launch
The moment a sufficiently probable collision between uncontrolled objects is predicted, it is time to act.
Models are updated and tracked while pre-coordinated planning and approval processes take place.
Rehearsed procedures are followed to perform any final vehicle integrations and checkouts.
Through unprecedented regulatory coordination, we enable standby flight capability from agile launch providers. -
Step 3: Rendezvous, Proximity Operations, Docking, Maneuvering
Precisely deployed, a specialized payload autonomously performs rendezvous and docking with one of the derelict objects.
Once attached, thrusters impart force in the optimal, pre-calculated direction and amount, to ensure sufficient miss-distance.
Depending on mission parameters, after collision is avoided the defunct object is propelled to atmospheric or orbital disposal.By deliberately preventing an impending impact in orbit, thousands of smaller, damaging particles are prevented.