“If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.”
-Sir Isaac Newton
Donald J. Kessler, NASA (Ret.)
Donald J. Kessler is a pioneer of orbital debris science.
For over 60 years, his work has defined and advanced the field - to protect earth’s orbits for all future history.
Kessler Aerospace was founded in recognition that stewardship of resources begins with stewardship of knowledge. In order to protect earth’s threatened orbital environments for future generations, we humbly stand on the shoulders of giants such as Donald J. Kessler.
In his celebrated career, Mr. Kessler founded NASA’s orbital debris program by first establishing the need and promoting awareness. His relentless dedication to the field produced over 100 technical articles, major reports, model testing experiments, data analyses, classes, workshops, symposia, and techniques to control orbital debris.
Through our name, we respectfully honor his accomplishments and the improved future which they enable.